Do you want to have or think you have a personal brand? What did you do to develop it? How do you continue to nurture it? Here are a few of my top ideas on developing and nurturing your personal brand.
Work to be known as a person of great honor. Folks with integrity succeed! But, be true to yourself as your reputation is all you’ve got. Also, you need to know your standards and stick to them. If you have not previously articulated your particular principles, take a few moments, think about it then write them down. Evaluate them each week making sure you are staying strong and keeping true to yourself.
Be direct. Be truthful. Work hard to “astonish” the people around you with your common sense and simple/direct communication.
Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes, we all make them, so own up to yours, and you’ll gain a rep as a “straight-shooter” with as much honest with himself or herself as they have with others.
Come to be commonly trustworthy. Deliver on what you say you will. If you aren’t able meet a challenge, let the other party know ASAP, then work to agree on another, later deadline – one that you can meet. Keep confidences of others, avoiding gossip, and never-ever embarrass your friends, family or co-workers by echoing what they share with you – even if it isn’t private.
Be noticeable. Volunteer for ventures inside your company, or church or community. Start a column or opinion editorial for your company’s newsletter or for an industry publication, or try writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.
The common-sense moral of this story is simple... If you hope to succeed in life and in your career, then you must do all you can to encourage and cultivate your personal brand at all times. Keep this in mind, all the things you do – and all the things you choose to not do – speaks to your brand. Dress, handle personal correspondence, as well as face to face exchanges in only the manner that improves your personal brand. If you do this, you will definitely differentiate yourself from the crowd and get further on your way toward creating a truly positive personal influence.
Well that is my two-cents on cultivating your personal brand, what is yours?
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About the Author: Lalanii Wilson-Jones, MBA is a dynamic business leader based in Dallas, Texas who owns & operates multiple companies across several industries. Her range of talents and experience makes her an ideal candidate for strong economic partnerships all over the world, a great mentor and a great source of information that can change the mechanics of any sized company.
About the Firm: At Mogul247, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before partnering or partaking in any of our firm’s services. We hope your experience will be better once you know who we are, have more realistic ideals and goals about working with us, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you and our community. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact her assistant Jacqueline at (214) 328-8600